J87 Observatory
La Caņada, Ávila, Spain

Latitude 40º 36.3' N, longitude 04º 29.5' W, altitude 1387 m

Observatorio J87 La Caņada (La Caņada Observatory), is an astronomical facility in La Caņada, Ávila, Spain, founded by Juan Lacruz in 2002. The observatory joined the International Astronomical Union sending the first astrometric observations in the summer of 2002 to the Minor Planet Center and was assigned the observatory code J87. The observatory is credited with the discovery of 75 numbered asteroids as of Aug. 2024. Since March 2022 joined the international asteroid warning network IAWN for an international response to a potential NEO impact threat. In 2023 started a survey of galaxies. The observatory tracks the ambiental evolution keeping a digital record of the wild life and atmospheric phenomena. Instrumental : Telescope RCT 0.41m F10


The observatory
Named asteroids
NEOCP Observations
Supernovae Observations
Observation planner
Research tools
Documents, publications


Bright Comets
Astronomy blog
Meteors blog
Nature blog
Gallery @ Wikimedia commons
Youtube channel


ESA NEO coordination centre
NASA JPL center for nearth earth object studies
Asteroid Dynamic site AstDys, Pisa
NEO Dynamic site NEODys, Pisa
Cometary Science Center

Admin (private)
Creative Commons License